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King Green

Tell us about yourself!

"I'm a Haitian American, born in Boston moved to France when I was
2 years old, returned to the States at 7, and fell in love with all things
Art & Music."

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Can you describe the journey that led you to establishing your music career in Los Angeles?

My journey to establishing my music career in Los Angeles has been a dynamic evolution shaped by a deep-rooted passion for music and a relentless pursuit of artistic expression. Growing up in Washington, D.C., I was immersed in a rich tapestry of diverse musical genres and the influential cultural backdrop of the nation's capital. This early exposure sparked my love for music and fueled my desire to create.

My career took a significant turn with the release of the Red Gold Green LP in 2021. Blending elements of Go-Go, Soul, Jazz, and Punk into a distinctive Hip Hop style, this project not only garnered attention but also laid the foundation for my artistic identity. It was during this time that I co-founded the alternative band RDGLDGRN, which quickly gained traction and signed with Republic Records in 2013. Collaborating with legends like Pharrell Williams and Dave Grohl on our self-titled LP was a pivotal moment that solidified my commitment to pursuing music at a professional level.

The acclaim and recognition from peers and audiences propelled me to expand my horizons beyond the East Coast. Seeking new opportunities and challenges, I headed to Los Angeles. The city's industry opportunities offered a fertile ground for growth and exploration. From attending networking events and open mics to collaborating with talented artists, every step in LA has been a crucial part of my journey.

Navigating the competitive landscape of Los Angeles required resilience and adaptability. I embraced the highs and lows, from performing at iconic venues to navigating the complexities of the industry.

Each experience, whether it was securing gigs, collaborating with producers, or placing music in films and TV series, contributed to my artistic development and expanded my reach. 

Today, as I continue to carve out my path outside of LA, I am grateful for the opportunities that have shaped my career. From signing a distribution deal with Warner  to preparing for the release of my debut narrative album, "Something About Danger," in 2024, the journey has been transformative. My music remains rooted in authenticity, reflecting my personal experiences and a dedication to pushing creative boundaries. Establishing my music career in Los Angeles has been a testament to perseverance, passion, and the power of music to transcend boundaries and connect with audiences worldwide.

In what ways does your Haitian heritage continue to inspire your music and artistic projects?

I create from a rooted place I think everything I do his the essence of my family my culture and heritage. I smaple haitians music, ive created kompa songs or reference Haiti in lyrics or song or in melody.

What inspires your songwriting process, and how do you typically go from an idea to a finished song?

Everything from a book, tv show, a walk, to other muscians inspire me...and then I convert that inspiration to a relatable and emotional topics that are grounded in reality and maintain a unfeigned authenticity encapsulated by an edgy take on trendy modern sounds..and all this happens without innately without any real contemplation i notice it after the fact.

Can you share a personal story behind one of your favorite songs that you’ve written?

Something About Danger is an album that im workign on that the entire thing feels like one big song. Something About Danger is Negative Visualization displaying the Risks we take in our Relationships and in Life. Instead of keeping you stuck on the never-ending treadmill of always wanting more, negative visualization helps you to want what you already have. You can use it to make yourself more appreciative of just about anything: Your body. Your job. And yep, your relationship. Overall, while it involves contemplating negative scenarios, the goal of negative visualization is ultimately positive—it aims to enhance gratitude, resilience, and wise decision-making in individuals' lives.

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What role did mentorship and networking play in your journey and are there any mentors who had a significant impact on your career?

Mentorship and networking have played pivotal roles in my journey to establishing a music career, providing guidance, support, and invaluable opportunities for growth. My circle of mentors includes not only close friends and family—my mother, brother, and father—who have been unwavering pillars of encouragement and wisdom, but also esteemed musicians like Pharrell Williams, Dave Grohl, Royce Da 5'9", and Method Man. These mentors have had a profound impact on my career trajectory. Pharrell and Dave Grohl, through their collaboration on the RDGLDGRN LP, imparted invaluable insights into music production and industry navigation. Royce Da 5'9" and Method Man's mentorship extended beyond collaborations to include invaluable advice on lyrical craftsmanship and performance. Networking has also been instrumental, allowing me to forge connections with fellow musicians, industry professionals, and fans. Attending networking events in Los Angeles opened doors to collaborations, gigs, and placements in films and TV series, significantly broadening my reach and influence.

Looking back, what were some of the biggest obstacles you faced and how did you overcome them to achieve recognition in your field?

Looking back, some of the biggest obstacles I faced on my journey to achieving recognition in the music industry were rooted in my background and the challenges of breaking stereotypes. Coming from Virginia, I initially found myself outside the traditional music hubs, which presented hurdles in networking and gaining industry attention. Moreover, being a Haitian-American pursuing a career in a predominantly rock-oriented band like RDGLDGRN added another layer of complexity.

"Lakay se Lakay" – home's everywhere. Does LA have pockets of home for you? Can you share some "home" hides in the city?

Absolutely, "lakay se lakay" – home's everywhere, . Food and friends are key. I love a Cafe in cozy vibe and gives me a croissant fix i need make me feel at home. Plus, hanging out with my Caribbean family here truly brings that homey feeling to LA.

For those striving for success in both their professional and personal lives in Los Angeles, what advice do you have to share from your own experiences?

I have a few key pieces of advice. First, actively network and connect with people from various industries; LA is a city of opportunities, and building a strong network can open many doors. It's also crucial to balance work with your personal life. Make time for hobbies, family, and friends to maintain a healthy balance. Stay resilient, as LA can be competitive and fast-paced. Embrace challenges and learn from setbacks. Embrace the city's cultural diversity, learning from different perspectives to fuel your growth.

Lastly, THE most important question: Bouyon or Soup Joumou?

Literally was just talking about this with my brother the other day. Soup Joumou ALL DAY


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